Our Offices

Key Contacts

Make a Donation


Join Our Shared Platform

Lizzie Howells
Director, Shared Platform

Media Inquiries

Monica Allaby
Senior Communications Specialist, External Engagement

Give with Impact

Lee Burton
Director, Philanthropic Services

In the Field

The North: Stephen Ellis, steve.ellis@makeway.org
Manitoba and Saskatchewan: Julie Price, julie.price@makeway.org
British Columbia: Bridgitte Taylor, bridgitte.taylor@makeway.org

For Grant Seekers

We are a public foundation and our grantmaking is largely advised by community and donor partners and is restricted to existing work.  If you have not already, please read about MakeWay’s key priority areas to understand what we are focused on.

Charitable Registrations

MakeWay comprises two associated organizations:

MakeWay Foundation (BN 868947797 RR0001), a national charity and public foundation with a goal to enable nature and communities to thrive together, and

MakeWay Charitable Society (BN 130560188 RR0001), an operating charity that houses social change projects ranging from neighbourhood-scale initiatives to national conservation efforts on a shared administrative and governance platform.