Policies and Positions

In Support of Indigenous Rights and Leadership

MakeWay is on a journey as an organization to recognize and redress the harms of colonization. We are primarily a settler-led organization, and we recognize the power, privilege, and responsibility in this position.

Our Statement In Support of Indigenous Rights and Leadership outlines our commitment to advancing reconciliation by supporting work directly led by Indigenous people and communities. When we partner with Indigenous communities, we do so with a recognition of the history of colonization, and we emphasize relationship and trust-building as essential first steps.

In Support of Black Lives and Anti-Racism

Across Canada and for too long Black People, People of Colour, and Indigenous People have faced violence and systemic racism. We must do more than be outraged: we must take action and be willing to risk our power, resources, and comfort to achieve self-determination and equity for all.

MakeWay stands for justice and in solidarity with Black lives and their struggle against violence, incarceration, and police brutality. MakeWay speaks in one voice when we say Black Lives Matter.

Investment Policy

MakeWay believes that a balanced consideration of the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of companies can generate enhanced long-term investment performance and is a prudent investment approach. MakeWay further seeks to align its investments with its mission to foster a healthy environment and just society and as such will ensure investments are aligned and engaged to these ends.

Our Investment Policy provides an outline of our approach to investing in a manner that provides reasonable safety and preserves the current purchasing power of invested funds, while achieving rates of return attainable by a knowledgeable and prudent investor through income, dividends, and capital growth.

Accessibility Policy and Plan

MakeWay is committed to the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity. We believe that helping to create a country, and an organization, where every person can fully participate benefits our people, our partners, and our communities.

Our Accessibility Policy and Plan outline the various considerations our workers (staff, volunteers, contractors) will take into account when communicating with a person with a disability. They also outline our guidelines regarding training, what to do in the case of a temporary disruption in activities and how we accept feedback regarding the way MakeWay has interacted with a person with a disability. On request, we can arrange for accessible formats and communications supports. Please contact us at 1.866.843.3722 or at info@makeway.org for more information.

Feedback Policy

MakeWay is committed to providing excellent service. We recognize that from time to time there may be concerns or complaints, that our stakeholders have the right to raise such concerns or complaints, and that they need avenues to do so. We also believe that the process for resolving concerns or complaints should be timely, fair and respectful.

Our Feedback Policy sets out the process for addressing concerns and complaints that stakeholders, including donors, funders, supporters, and the public, may have with MakeWay. A complaint may be about wrongdoing, an error, non-compliance with MakeWay policies, or other matters relating to our projects and programs, fundraising, donor relations, a staff member or volunteer, privacy issues, or communications. This policy does not apply to persons or organizations that may be in disagreement with MakeWay’s mission.

Fundraising, Gift Acceptance, and Naming and Endowment Policies

MakeWay is committed to conducting our fundraising in a responsible, ethical, and respectful manner. Our fundraising affairs are conducted in accordance with the highest standards of confidentiality, transparency, and compliance. See our full Fundraising Policy.

MakeWay accepts appropriate gifts from a range of individuals and institutions, consistent with our mandate to support environmental and social philanthropy in Canada, as outlined in our Gift Acceptance Policy.

MakeWay does not name capital assets or endow gifts. See our full Naming and Endowment Policy.

Our Commitment to Privacy

MakeWay understands that the privacy and security of your personal information are important to you. We are committed to ensuring that the information you share with us is recorded accurately, retained securely, and used only according to your wishes.

Names, addresses, or other personal information collected by MakeWay will only be used in accordance with MakeWay’s Privacy Policy, and will not be disclosed to any third party. Advisors to MakeWay funds sign a confidentiality statement and are not considered by MakeWay to be third parties.

View our Website Privacy Policy for more information about the manner in which we collect non-identifiable information and use Google Analytics to improve our website experience.