A Learning Trip to Garden Hill, Northern Manitoba – guest blog by funder Andi Sharma
In the spirit of World Food Day, we share a guest blog that Andi Sharma wrote about her recent trip to Garden Hill, a fly-in community in Northern Manitoba tackling their food security challenges with exciting community-led solutions.
Return to the roots: Cultivating success in northern Manitoba with community gardens and more
Across northern Manitoba, neighbourhood gardens, apiaries, chicken coops, and greenhouses have sprung up, tended to by proud community members who are leading initiatives to respond to food security and community economic development challenges in the region. These initiatives are part of 13 projects funded in the past year by the Northern Manitoba Food, Culture, and Community Fund.
Connecting sustainable seafood businesses with investors, resources with Fish 2.0
Driving business growth while creating positive environmental and social change might seem a bold endeavour, but the team at Fish 2.0 not only believe it can be done, they’ve created the forum to make it happen. Now in its second installment, Fish 2.0 is a business competition that connects global sustainable seafood and aquaculture businesses with potential investors. Tides Canada is proud to once again support Fish 2.0 as part of our work to advance aquaculture solutions.