A Love Letter to our People – On National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

September 30, 2023

Photo Caption: ‘A Heart Berry Feast’ medicine for the heart.



Relation, come sit with us – we have something we want to tell you.

It’s been said that before you came to this world as we know it the stars aligned. The Ancestors whispered your name and into this place you were born through Grandmother Moons energetic pull.

Your existence here is a Creation story.

The stars knew we needed you, so your spirit began to prepare your path for you. Choosing the time and space in which you would come to this place to bless the land with your name. The moment you cried out your song at birth was the moment you claimed your space.

That’s how important your song is.

Before your arrival every song sung loud by your people, their whispered prayers for a better tomorrow, the ceremonies kept hidden for you, the feasts they prepared to nourish all the bodies it took to bring you here – they were all for you. Some people say we can’t time travel, but our people have been transcending time since Creation. Your Ancestors planted seeds, cared for the land, prayed for the water, the animals, and all of life so the future would be nourished. This is how they prepared a feast for you.

That’s how sacred you are.

So let us never forget that whatever force tries to break us it will never sever the bond we have with the stars who wished us here. Nothing will ever be strong enough to break the bond with your land that longs for your hands, your heart, your voice, your footsteps. From the spiraling of your DNA to the spiral of the Milky Way where your Ancestors dance and sing medicine songs for you.

That’s how protected you are.

In the days where you feel lost, lonely, or in despair, remember Creation is all around us. It’s the cool crisp nighttime air, it’s the soft wind that blows through your hair, it’s the raging river that roars through the land.

How beautiful is it that your heartbeat is part of Creation too?


skookamina Marchand, syilx sqilx’w, singing the Heartbeat Song. Medicine for your heart today and all days. We welcome you to come back here anytime you need it.



The Indigenous Employees Network, MakeWay Foundation


This love letter is to all our Indigenous Kin from the Indigenous Employees Network of MakeWay Foundation. We collectively wanted to share what was on our hearts to those we work alongside of, those we do the work for, and all the generations to come.