The Toronto Star, Canada’s largest circulation paper, and Tides Canada are partnering to produce a series of articles covering pressing climate issues in Canada leading up to and following the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, December 2015.
“We are proud to partner with The Toronto Star to increase public engagement around climate change – arguably the most important issue of our time. Canadians need greater access to public interest journalism on the human and economic effects of climate change,” said Ross McMillan, President and CEO, Tides Canada.
Articles in the series will run from September 2015 to January 2016, and will explore a range of impacts of climate change on Canada’s economy and communities.
Tyler Hamilton is producing the stories for the series. Hamilton is an experienced journalist and former editor in chief for clean capitalism magazine Corporate Knights.
The Toronto Star has full editorial control and responsibility to ensure stories are rigorously edited in order to meet its editorial standards.
We will be sure to share the articles with you on our website and social media as they are published. Read the first article of the series.