Indigenomics 2019: The role of the philanthropic sector in the 100 billion dollar Indigenous economy

June 27, 2019

“What we’ve learned over the years, and are continuing to learn, is there is an incredible diversity among the Indigenous communities that we work with, so any ‘one size fits all’ philanthropic approach is not effective.”

Chris Little, our Director of Finance, shared this and other lessons on the final day of the Indigenomics conference this week. Chris joined fellow panelists Eddy Adra of Coast Funds and Cliff Fregin of New Relationship Trust, along with moderator Shannon Rohan of SHARE to discuss the role of the philanthropic community in the Indigenous economy.


From left to right: Shannon Rohan, SHARE; Eddy Adra, Coast Funds; Cliff Fregin, New Relationship Trust; Chris Little, Tides Canada


We were honoured to be invited to participate in the Inaugural National Indigenomics By Design – 100 Billion Dollar Conference in Richmond BC, where attendees and speakers collaborated to share ideas in support of the continued growth and development of the Indigenous economy.

As a leading national charity that enables community-led transformation for social, environmental, and economic justice, we have worked in partnership with Indigenous communities for the past two decades. Over the past 20 years we have learned that our role as a partner can be unique and varied depending on the circumstances and the needs of the community.

Take a listen to some of what Chris had to say about the important role the philanthropic sector can play in capacity building and how that can lead to sustained community-led economic growth. She uses the example of EntrepreNorth, a project on Tides Canada’s shared platform, to illustrate how philanthropy can help create opportunities for training and job creation that will in turn benefit the local community and the economy.