Doing philanthropy differently
When philanthropists connect with on the ground projects, transformational solutions emerge. Our deep networks and twenty years of experience make new paths for philanthropy possible.

Values-driven philanthropy

MakeWay connects you with the issues that are most important to you. We help you discover and define your philanthropic focus, while creating a tailored giving strategy that aligns with your vision for the world.

Because MakeWay is a leading national charity with a unique suite of tools, we can leverage a wide range of in-house expertise to create custom solutions.

Solutions for Philanthropists

Work with us to identify solutions from our suite of tools to achieve your vision.
"Working with MakeWay has allowed me to explore my own values and develop my own philanthropic vision and process. I like to step outside typical philanthropy. MakeWay identifies gaps in environmental and social justice funding on a national scale and supports leaders who have that spark. In the last decade working with MakeWay, I have seen their extraordinary network of professionals engaged at the forefront of these issues. It would have taken me years to build these relationships."
Founder of The Dragonfly Fund