At the heart of all life are the vital sources of land and water. Sources that everything—from climate to cultures — depend on to thrive and survive.

In the face of the climate and biodiversity crises there is a groundswell of community-led health of lands and waters. Indigenous communities are stewarding their territories, healing their cultures, and re-asserting place based governance. Freshwater conservation groups, large and small, are coming together to create strong cross-regional networks of changemakers to protect watersheds.

MakeWay helps amplify and accelerate community-led initiatives and advance policy and systems change for the health of lands and waters across this vast place we call Canada.

MakeWay works with partners to:

Strengthen the capacity and wellbeing of land and water leaders and stewards.
Advance community-led climate solutions that protect key carbon landscapes while upholding Indigenous rights.
Support networks of community partners advocating for freshwater conservation across the country.
Catalyze the creation of marine and terrestrial protected areas and Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs).

In Action

Watershed security rooted in resilience, local values, and Indigenous rights and title.
Connecting people to place throughout the Broughton Archipelago and beyond.
Supporting implementation of the Great Bear Rainforest Agreement Implementation Framework.
Encouraging conservation-based planning in the transboundary watersheds of southeast Alaska and northwest British Columbia.
Watershed security rooted in resilience, local values, and Indigenous rights and title.
Working to protect the integrity of wild fish habitat in the lower Fraser River by identifying, upgrading, and replacing aging flood control infrastructure.
Working to achieve the ambitious goal of all Canada’s waters in good health by 2030.
Advancing marine planning in British Columbia by supporting a collaborative, government-driven, and science-based process.
Advancing progressive public policies and decisions about the future of our most precious resource—water.
Supporting innovative projects and strategic collaboration that advance freshwater protection in British Columbia.
Empowering Atlantic Canadians to leverage local knowledge in support of healthy waters.
Conducting research, engagement, and education, to develop decision-support tools in service of marine planning and relationship building in Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound.

Stories of Impact