Shared Platform Projects
Not Far From the Tree
Inspiring Torontonians to harvest, share, celebrate, and steward the bounty from urban orchards.

Not Far From the Tree

Not Far From The Tree puts Toronto fruit to good use by picking and sharing the bounty.

When a homeowner can’t keep up with the harvest from their fruit tree, they let us know so that we can mobilize our volunteers to pick and share the abundance: 1/3 goes to the homeowner, 1/3 goes to the volunteer pickers, and 1/3 gets delivered by us, via cargo bike, to local social service agencies such as food banks, shelters, and community kitchens.

By inspiring Torontonians to harvest, share, celebrate, and steward the bounty from our urban orchard, we facilitate positive actions that can transform our urban spaces and communities.

Not Far From the Tree
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