Shared Platform Projects
Organizing for Change
Developing more robust, focused, and effective approaches to advancing environmental policy initiatives in British Columbia.

Organizing for Change

Like a powerful lens, Organizing for Change (OFC) focuses the energy of environmental groups representing hundreds of thousands of British Columbians to ensure that decision-makers care about the health of our environment as well as the health of our economy.

British Columbians love the natural beauty, rich ecology, and clean air and water that underpin their quality of life. They support strong environmental protection and value policies that both protect BC’s natural heritage and sustain jobs and prosperity over the long-term.

Locally, we empower individuals and groups to engage effectively with decision-makers on issues of local concern, and ensure they are accountable for their decisions. Provincially, we highlight practical opportunities for the government and opposition to show leadership and build track records of environmental achievement that they will be proud to stand on.

Organizing for Change
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