More Voices at the Table

Collaborative models enable trust-based relationships while disrupting power dynamics and creates greater impact. Unlike the traditional top-down philanthropy, collaboratives bring more voices to the decision-making table. This builds capacity and knowledge within community and among collaborative members.

MakeWay creates spaces for philanthropists, community leaders, foundations, businesses, governments, and non-profits to come together with a common goal via two key collaborative models.

Innovative Models for Change

Community-advised funding

Community advisors coming together with funders  to co-create solutions. A circular model that disrupts traditional funding power dynamics and listens to community voices  and participation in strategy and funding decisions. Collaboratives offer opportunities to learn and unlearn from members, making participation in the process a key part of the impact.

Pooled Funding

Pooled funds are designed with core principles of trust-based philanthropy and not being attached to traditional granting outcomes. Funders contribute to pooled funds where granting decisions are often advised by an advisory group with diverse representation.

Northern Manitoba Food Culture and Community Collaborative (NMFCCC)

NMFCCC is made up of community members, northern advisors, funders, and local organizations. The Collaborative works to support community-led action towards a world where northern communities are healthier and more resilient, and our relationships are mutually transformative.

Read more about the NMFCCC’s innovative way of working.

The Collaborative and Councillor John Nasikapow at the OCN Raspberry Patch.
“As a non-Indigenous Southerner, who now calls the North home, the [NWT On The Land] Collaborative allows me to be an ally in anti-colonial work by supporting Dene, Inuvialuit, and Métis communities as they revitalize their connections to land, language, and culture.”
Jessica Dunkin
NWT Recreation and Parks Association, a member of the NWT On The Land Collaborative administrative team