Start your next meaningful relationship with our spectacular, natural backyard

February 2, 2017

What does conservation mean to you?

Give Green Canada/G2, a project on Tides Canada’s shared platform, and the Stewardship Centre for BC (SCBC) have come together for “Creating Stewardship Legacies.” It’s a celebration of individuals who are working hard every day to help protect our land and wateryouth, elders, First Nations, ranchersa wide range of British Columbians from all walks of life, as part of Canada’s 150th anniversary of confederation.

Some are volunteers, dedicated to spending time protecting the land and water around them. Some are staff with environmental organizations. Others have provided legacy gifts of land, money or other resources, to support the protection of special areas.

“Conservation means many things to me, coming from a very personal and individual place, to a perspective of balance at a much larger scale for humanity on this planet. I think at its simplest, I see conservation as acting on the acknowledgment and humility that we’re one of many and are intrinsically dependent on that web.” Jenna Falk, Galiano Conservancy

“Creating Stewardship Legacies” includes a new website that was launched this week, as part of the SCBC website, with a host of helpful resources—some of which are detailed below.

The campaign also celebrates the many Canadians who are planning a gift that will make a lasting difference – a green legacy.

Speaking of legacies, you can take the “Will Quiz” on the new website to test your knowledge about wills. Simply answer each question, hit submit, and then click on “View your Accuracy” to see how you did. There is also a link to G2’s helpful “Green Legacies Guide,” published last year in collaboration with the Land Trust Alliance of BC.

You can participate by nominating a conservation champion in your community. Please help celebrate their contributions by filling out the champion nomination form.

The new site also covers a host of conservation and stewardship tips, including:

And watch for Give Green and SCBC’s “Creating Stewardship Legacies” BC Transit shelter ads, like the one below, in February and March.