British Columbia
People and Place Thriving Together
Building a healthy, resilient, abundant shared future, together.

Working with communities and changemakers to re-imagine what’s possible

British Columbia (BC) is an extraordinary place. From ancient, abundant ecosystems, to culturally rich communities, it is one of the most bio-culturally diverse places in North America. These lands and waters have taken care of people for millennia, and people in turn, must take care of them.  

In the face of the interconnected ecological, social, and economic challenges we face, we know that the relationships we have with the natural world, the economy, and each other, must be transformed. MakeWay’s BC program works with communities and changemakers to do just that.   

Through funding, capacity building, peer networks, and our unique solutions toolkit, we support community-led initiatives that advance our five interconnected program priorities.  

Program Approach & Priorities

We work to advance healthy lands, waters, peoples, cultures, and economies, recognizing that all these elements are intertwined and undertaken in partnership with Indigenous communities and changemakers. We work towards solutions rooted in justice, equity, and the advancement of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). 

Land, water, and air are the heart of all life. From ancient forests to salmon rich watersheds, the lands and waters that make up BC sustain communities in countless ways. For the over 200 distinct First Nations who have stewarded these territories since time immemorial, these lands and waters are an extension of cultures, identities, and overall wellbeing. For others, they represent a place of new beginnings, economic livelihoods, or refuge. For all of us, these ecosystems give us fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink, and make-up the places that we call ‘home’. 

MakeWay works with communities and changemakers who are at the forefront of sustaining, restoring, and caring for these places now and for future generations.

We work with partners to...

  • Advance Indigenous-led conservation, stewardship, and restoration 
  • Implement sustainable land and water governance models, and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) 
  • Secure clean water and healthy watersheds 
  • Increase public awareness and connections to land, water, and climate  
  • Support the resurgence of Indigenous stewardship knowledge systems 
  • Empower youth, especially Indigenous, to connect with their lands and cultures 
  • Protect biodiversity and climate resilience 
  • Support community changemakers via peer networks and funding 
  • Advocate for policies that protect the environment and uphold Indigenous rights 

In the words of Leroy Littlebear and Cynthia Chambers, “if creation is to continue, then it must be renewed. Renewal ceremonies, the telling and retelling of creation stories, the singing and re-singing of the songs, are all humans’ part in the maintenance of creation…they are tools of wayfinding in place and through life”. 

Across Turtle Island, the impacts that colonization had, and continues to have, on Indigenous communities, cannot be understated. The truth about Canada, and what we now refer to as ‘British Columbia’, is that it was built on the theft of Indigenous lands, and the attempted destruction of Indigenous cultures, languages, spiritualities, and overall ways of life. 

Today, against the tremendous odds imposed by ongoing systemic struggles, Indigenous communities are making way for healing and resurgence. This work is not only critical to achieving justice but is paving the way for better futures.  

MakeWay is proud to support this work and is committed to deepening resources and fostering reciprocal relationships with Indigenous communities in doing so. 

We work with Indigenous partners to…

  • Advance Indigenous-led initiatives that protect lands and waters, heal cultures, and restore livelihoods 
  • Revitalize Indigenous language, culture, governance, and legal systems 
  • Empower community members, especially youth, to connect with their territories and cultures 
  • Restore traditional food systems and Indigenous food sovereignty 
  • Support land-based educational and wellness programming 
  • Facilitate spaces for shared learning and peer networks 
  • Strengthen capacity amongst community-based initiatives 

Few things are more central in our lives than food. For Indigenous communities, food is not just something to be consumed, but a relationship that is central to culture, family, community, economy, land, water, soil, and air. Whether tending to a garden or berry patch, setting a fish trap, or preparing a meal together, these relationships are some of the most intimate ways that people express care for one another and the natural world. 

MakeWay supports communities and organizations working towards a range of holistic food revitalization work, including Indigenous food systems, food sovereignty, and food security. 

We work with partners to...

  • Restore and steward traditional food systems  
  • Advance Indigenous food security and sovereignty 
  • Protect culturally significant foodlands and sources 
  • Transfer and share food systems, knowledge, skills and techniques 
  • Empower food leaders/champions, especially youth leaders 
  • Re-activate local food economies and networks 
  • Foster spaces for peer learning and skills-building  

BC’s natural abundance and rich ecosystems have supported sustainable livelihoods for generations. For Indigenous communities, this has been the case since time beyond memory. But colonization and our current economic systems have disrupted this balance. A belief in infinite growth and capitalist policies have led to environmental degradation, failing industries, and a rapidly widening gap between rich and poor. Communities demand systemic change where economies are sustainable, inclusive, and work with nature and cultures, not against them. 

MakeWay supports creative and sustainable locally-led economic solutions where communities and nature can thrive together. 

We work with partners to...

  • Advance community-led initiatives working at the intersection of providing for people, places, and economies 
  • Help community-based enterprises deliver more benefits to their community, economy, and environment 
  • Work with partners to implement long-term conservation financing models 
  • Invest in local stewardship and restoration work, creating local jobs and economies 
  • Mobilize funding to under-served communities, especially Indigenous and Northern BC communities 

Community-based leaders and bold changemakers are at the heart of the good work happening across BC. They know the best solutions for the challenges their communities face.   

In order to advance this demanding, often isolating, work leaders need safe spaces, funds, and organizational supports.   

MakeWay is committed to strengthening diverse, healthy, resilient leadership – especially young and Indigenous leaders – through tools, resources, funding, and networks.  

We work with partners to...

  • Foster spaces for peer learning, skill-building and mentoring  
  • Empower community leaders through training and wellbeing supports 
  • Support youth leadership and mentorship through land-based healing programs 
  • Activate community-led enterprises and organizations 
  • Increase access to capacity-building and training resources 
“MakeWay offers a much-needed service of civil society, a venue centered around common values and objectives that supports grassroots, First Nations, science-based conservation, and informed decision making… It is invaluable to be able to do the work we do with the support of organizations such as MakeWay.”
Tara Marsden
Wilp Sustainability Director, Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs Office

In Action

Watershed security rooted in resilience, local values, and Indigenous rights and title.
Supporting implementation of the Great Bear Rainforest Agreement Implementation Framework.
Connecting people to place throughout the Broughton Archipelago and beyond.
Realizing the Xeni Gwet’in and Yuneŝit’in community vision for Dasiqox Tribal Park.
Working at the confluence of salmon, community, and land use in Northern British Columbia.
Encouraging conservation-based planning in the transboundary watersheds of southeast Alaska and northwest British Columbia.
Developing more robust, focused, and effective approaches to advancing environmental policy initiatives in British Columbia.
Creating a connection with land and language, and creating economic opportunities for the local community.
The Right Relations Collaborative is a shared space for Indigenous leaders and funder partners who recognize the inequities, harms, and volatile future that is manifesting from our current disconnected and extractive financial system.
The IPCA Innovation Program seeks to support the establishment of Indigenous protected and conserved areas across Canada by building capacity, mobilizing knowledge, and facilitating Indigenous-led conservation and stewardship initiatives.
Watershed security rooted in resilience, local values, and Indigenous rights and title.
Working to protect the integrity of wild fish habitat in the lower Fraser River by identifying, upgrading, and replacing aging flood control infrastructure.
Advancing marine planning in British Columbia by supporting a collaborative, government-driven, and science-based process.
Advancing progressive public policies and decisions about the future of our most precious resource—water.
Supporting innovative projects and strategic collaboration that advance freshwater protection in British Columbia.
Conducting research, engagement, and education, to develop decision-support tools in service of marine planning and relationship building in Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound.

Stories of Impact

Learn more about the BC Program


Seda Tonoyan


Shannon Nickerson

Program Manager, BC Program

Bridgitte Taylor

BC Team Lead

Kim Hardy

Co Director, Right
Relations Collaborative
Deana Machin

Deana Machin

Senior Advisor,
Indigenous Watersheds

Claire Sauvage-Mar

Program Associate,
Indigenous Watersheds
Natalie Ord

Natalie Ord

Program Associate,
Indigenous Watersheds

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